End Game Intents

End game intents are notifications to Hindenburg/the lobby that the game should end given some condition.

They're used instead of simply calling endGame as you can pass metadata and are cancelable by listening for the room.endgameintent event.

Using them also prevents race conditions where two events end the game at the same time, thus throwing errors or causing issues for end clients.

If you're making your own gamemode, it'll be useful to create your own end game intents to specify when the game should end.

Registering an end game intent

To register an end game intents means requesting for SkeldJS to end the game, which you can do so with the registerEndGameIntent method.

For example, the MeetingHud uses:

new EndGameIntent(

You can pass metadata into the end game intent constructor:

new EndGameIntent(
"someone was blown up",
explodedPlayer: player

Note that the reason must be a valid GameOverReason, otherwise Among Us will display everyone as being defeated. Check out the {@oage Custom End Game Screens} guide to be able to show any players as winners or losers.

Canceling end game intents

As noted, end game intents are helpful to give other areas of your code or other plugins the opportunity to cancel your game end. This can be done through the room.endgameintent event:

onEndGameIntent(ev: RoomEndGameIntentEvent<Room>) {


For example, if you want to prevent the meeting from ending the game when an impostor is voted out:

onEndGameIntent(ev: RoomEndGameIntent<Room>) {
if (ev.intentName === AmongUsEndGames.PlayerVoteOut) {
if (ev.metadata.aliveImpostors === 0) {

Note that the metadata in the event will be untyped, although you can cast with const metadata = ev.metadata as MyMetadataType to get types.

Built-in end games

SkeldJS has some built-in end games that you can cancel:

ID Enum Description Metadata
o2 sabotage O2Sabotage Registered when the oxygen/life support system timer reaches 0 after sabotage n/a
reactor sabotage ReactorSabotage Registered when the reactor system timer reaches 0 after sabotage n/a
players disconnect PlayersDisconnect Registered when a player disconnects and there aren't enough players on either side to continue the game PlayersDisconnectEndgameMetadata
players vote out PlayersVoteOut Registered when a player is voted out and there aren't enough players on either side to continue the game PlayersVoteOutEndgameMetadata
players kill PlayersKill Registered when a player is killed and there aren't enough players on either side to continue the game PlayersKillEndgameMetadata
tasks complete TasksComplete Registered when the crewmates have completed all of their tasks TasksCompleteEndgameMetadata

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