Class O2ConsolesCompleteEvent<RoomType>

Emitted when a oxygen console is completed.

Type Parameters


  • RevertableEvent
    • O2ConsolesCompleteEvent



eventName: "o2.consoles.complete"
consoleId: number

The ID of the console that was completed.

eventName: "o2.consoles.complete"
message: undefined | RepairSystemMessage

The message that this event originated from.

oxygen: LifeSuppSystem<RoomType>

The oxygen system that this event is for.

player: undefined | PlayerData<RoomType>

The player that completed the console. Only available is the client is the host.

reverted: boolean
room: RoomType

The room or client that the event came from.


  • get alteredConsoleId(): number
  • The ID of the altered console that will be completed instead, if changed.

    Returns number


  • Type Parameters


    • room: RoomType
    • oxygen: LifeSuppSystem<RoomType>
    • message: undefined | RepairSystemMessage
    • player: undefined | PlayerData<RoomType>

      The player that completed the console. Only available is the client is the host.

    • consoleId: number

      The ID of the console that was completed.

    Returns O2ConsolesCompleteEvent<RoomType>


  • Returns void

  • Change the console that was completed.


    • consoleId: number

      The ID of the console to complete.

    Returns void

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