clientThis player's server-unique client ID.
This player's player control component.
friendThe player's innersloth friend code.
Whether or not this player is in the game scene.
Whether or not this player is readied up to start the game.
platformThe platform that the player is playing on.
playerThe level/rank of the player.
puidThe player's unique global UUID.
roleThe actual instance of this player's role manager, see roleType to know which role this is.
The room that this player object belongs to.
The message stream to be sent on fixed update.
usernameThe player's login name, not necessarily the display name, see PlayerInfo.
This player's server-unique client ID.
The player's login name, not necessarily the display name, see PlayerInfo.
platform: PlatformSpecificDataThe platform that the player is playing on.
playerLevel: numberThe level/rank of the player.
friendCode: stringThe player's innersloth friend code.
puid: stringThe player's unique global UUID.
Whether or not the player has fully spawned.
Whether or not this player is a fake player, as in they are entirely client-side and have no real player behind them.
Whether or not the player is the host of the room they belong in.
Whether or not the player is the current client's player.
The player's physics component.
The room-unique player ID of the player.
The player's game information, such as dead/impostor/disconnected states, hats, names, pets, etc.
Shorthand for
This will return the player's name as it appears in-game, not including the name of the player that they might have shapeshifted into.
The player's movement component.
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents the player of a client connected to the room.
See PlayerDataEvents for events to listen to.