spawn: booleanOptional
spawn: booleanClimb a ladder on the map by its ID.
Emits a player.climbladder
The ID of the ladder to climb.
Enter a vent on the map by its ID.
Emits a player.entervent
The ID of the vent to enter.
Exit a vent (Does not have to be the same vent or in the same network as the vent you entered).
Emits a player.exitvent
The ID of the vent to exit.
Get a certain component from the object.
The component class to get.
The dirty state of this component.
Flags for this object, see SpawnFlag.
The net ID of this component.
The ID of the owner of this component.
The player that this component belongs to.
The room that this component belongs to.
The type of object that this component belongs to.
The ID of the vent that the player is currently in.
data: PlayerPhysicsData | HazelReaderOptional
playerControl: PlayerControl<RoomType>Generated using TypeDoc
Represents a player object for handling vent entering and exiting.
See PlayerPhysicsEvents for events to listen to.