Chat Commands

Chat commands allow players to run simple commands in the chat (similar to those from Minecraft) to communicate with plugins. This gives plugins a lot of flexibility without having to make a client mod.

If you're a plugin developer and want to add chat commands to your plugin, check out the Chat Commands

For example, players could switch gamemodes with commands with the following command:


In Hindenburg, chat commands are designed to be as simple to use as possible, so players don't have a hard time using them.

Hindenburg also has a built-in /help command:


Disabling Chat Commands

To completely disable chat commands, use the rooms.chatCommands config option and set it to false:

"rooms": {
"chatCommands": false

Help Command and Prefix

You can remove Hindenburg's built-in help command, for instance if you have a help manual elsewhere:

"rooms": {
"chatCommands": {
"helpCommand": false

And you can change the prefix that players use to specify a command call, for example allowing players to use !help instead of /help:

"rooms": {
"chatCommands": {
"prefix": "!"

The prefix can be any length, although it's best to keep it short for being able to write shorthand.

Chat Commands and Plugins

Hindenburg provides a great and simple API for registering chat commands as a plugin, check out the guide on registering custom chat commands for more information.

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