Class MeetingHudVotingCompleteEvent<RoomType>

Emitted when a meeting is finished, and when the ejected player is determined.

Type Parameters


  • BasicEvent
    • MeetingHudVotingCompleteEvent



eventName: "meeting.votingcomplete"
ejected?: PlayerData<RoomType>

The player that was ejected. Undefined if a tie was reached or if players voted to skip.

eventName: "meeting.votingcomplete"
meetinghud: MeetingHud<RoomType>

The meeting handler that this event is for.

message: undefined | VotingCompleteMessage

The message that this event originated from.

room: RoomType

The room or client that the event came from.

tie: boolean

Whether a tie was reached in votes.

voteStates: Map<number, PlayerVoteState<RoomType>>

The voting state of every player in the meeting.


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