Function HindenburgPlugin

  • A decorator to declare a class as being a Hindenburg Plugin. The class must extend either WorkerPlugin or RoomPlugin to be successfully loaded. The version and ordering of your plugin will be taken from your plugin's package.json.


    export class FunThingsPlugin extends WorkerPlugin {



    • id: string

      The id of your plugin, must begin with "hbplugin-".

    Returns ClassDecorator

  • A decorator to declare a class as being a Hindenburg Plugin. The class must extend either WorkerPlugin or RoomPlugin to be successfully loaded. The version and ordering of your plugin will be taken from your plugin's package.json.




    • id: string

      The id of your plugin, must begin with "hbplugin-".

    • version: string

      The version of your plugin. Note that this is superfluous and as of recent Hindenburg versions, can instead be taken from your plugin's package.json.

    • Optional loadOrder: number | "first" | "none" | "last"

      The ordering that your plugin should be loaded in. Replaced by package.json: "plugin.loadOrder".

    • Optional defaultConfig: any

      The default configuration for your plugin. Replaced by package.json: "plugin.defaultConfig".

    Returns ClassDecorator

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