Class PlayerReportDeadBodyEvent<RoomType>

Emitted when a player reports a dead body of a player, telling the host to begin a meeting.

This event is only emitted if the client is the host and doesn't guarantee that a meeting has started, see PlayerStartMeetingEvent to listen for a meeting actually being started, and regardless of whether the client is the host or not.

Type Parameters


  • CancelableEvent
    • PlayerReportDeadBodyEvent



eventName: "player.reportbody"
body: PlayerData<RoomType> | "emergency"

The body that the player reported, or "emergency" if the player called an emergency meeting.

canceled: boolean
eventName: "player.reportbody"
message: undefined | ReportDeadBodyMessage

The message that this event originated from.

player: PlayerData<RoomType>

The player that this event is for.

room: RoomType

The room or client that the event came from.


  • get alteredBody(): PlayerData<RoomType> | "emergency"
  • The altered body that will be reported instead, if changed.

    Returns PlayerData<RoomType> | "emergency"


  • Returns void

  • Change the body that will be reported.


    • body: PlayerData<RoomType> | "emergency"

      The body for the player to report.

    Returns void

  • Set the report to be calling an emergency meeting.

    Returns void


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