Class LoadedPlugin<PluginCtr>

Type Parameters


  • LoadedPlugin



importedPlugin: ImportedPlugin<PluginCtr>
loadedChatCommands: string[]

All chat commands that were loaded into the room, created with ChatCommand.

loadedCliCommands: Command[]

All CLI commands that were loaded into the worker, created with CliCommand.

loadedEventListeners: {
    eventName: string;
    handler: ((...args: any) => any);

All event listeners that were loaded into the worker, created with EventListener.

loadedMatchmakerEndpoints: PluginRegisteredMatchmakerEndpoint[]

All registered http endpoints to be hosted on the http matchmaker, created with MatchmakerEndpoint.

loadedMessageHandlers: PluginRegisteredMessageHandlerInfo[]

All protocol message handlers that were loaded into the worker, created with MessageHandler.

loadedRegisteredMessages: Deserializable[]

All protocol messages that were registered into the worker, created with RegisterMessage.

pluginInstance: PluginInstanceType<PluginCtr>
registeredPrefabs: RegisteredPrefab[]

All registered spawn prefabs for the plugin, created with RegisterPrefab.

registeredRoles: typeof BaseRole[]

All registered player roles for the plugin, created with RegisterRole.


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